(1) 1st day of the Conference is CME day and it is named as Dr. T B Kasudiya and Dr. S R Koradiya CME Programme
(2) Dr. R H Shah (Surat) Oration Award
(3) Main Oration to be held on 2nd day of Conference in the Morning hours Name of the Oration : Dr. Nathubhai Harjivandas Patel (Ahmedabad) and Dr. Rasiklal Shah Sarvajanik Hospital, Modasa Oration award
(4) Shrimad Jeshingbapa Rotating lectureship to be awarded to a person doing regular rural medical activities and medical education programmes
(5) Association of Physicians of Gujarat (APG) Lifetime Achievement Award
(6) Association of Physicians of Surat (APS) Young Achiever Award
(7) Dr. Pradeep Pandya & Dr. Prakash Shah (Baroda) Keynote address
(8) Dr. S R Koradiya Lecture without Visual Aid
(9) Dr. Surendra Gupta & Dr. D M Dave Scientific Session
(10) Association of Physicians of Ahmedabad Interactive Session
(11) Dr. Sunil Maniar and Dr. Shailesh Trivedi Scientific Programme
(12) Dr. S R Koradia Junagadh Oration
(13) Association of Physician of Ahmedabad Silver Jubilee Symposium
(14) Association of Physicians of Surat Mediquiz
(15) Pre-Conference Workshop with Keynote address by International faculty along with Banquet on 16th December 2016
(16) Only E-Posters