Guidelines For Paper Presentation
Oral/Poster Presentation
- It is mandatory for the presenter to register for the conference.
- Make abstract no longer than 300 words.
- Title should include a) Title of the article b)Name of each contributor with institutional affiliation c) Name, cell phone & e-mail of the corresponding author d)Name of the presenting author should be underlined
- The abstract for the oral / paper presentation must be typed in font size-12 , regular font style, Times New Roman type, in single line space.
- Complete sentences should be used, and the abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided
- Oral Presentation will be of 8 minutes duration (6minutes of Presentation followed by 2 minutes of discussion )
- The presentation should be brought on a new CD and /or a Pen Drive which will be loaded in the conference computer
Guidelines for Poster Presentation
- Poster size : 4 ft*3ft
- It is mandatory for the principal author to be present when the judges visit theposter area.
- Certificate will be issued to the principal author of the presentation.
- Financial disclosures if any should be clearly made at the end of the abstract
- The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the research work, indicate the data analysis done, and point out major findings and conclusions.
- The last date for submission of abstract is 15th December 2017.
- The intimation of acceptance will be given to the author.
- The scientific Committee reserves the right to accept /reject paper for oral/poster
Submission Method
- Abstracts should be submitted by email on the email id or before 15th December 2017.